Hello everyone Today I have a good technique to tell you about gaming graphic
card it can use with solidworks and full support equal workstation graphic card
performance !!!. Let's go.
1) After SolidWorks installation finished, Open the
1st time and open new part , assembly and drawing but not do anything and close
it all documents and exit the solidworks.
2) In windows desktop , Press Windows
+ R to open "Run command " and type " regedit " then click " OK"
3) Go to Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS
4) go to " Current " key and double click at the "Renderer" for copy your
graphic card name
5) Go to "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\SOLIDWORKS
2020\Performance\Graphics\Hardware\Gl2Shaders" and create the new key under your
graphic card manufacturing key with the copied valve Geforce --> NV40
RX,HD,AMD,ATI -->R420 Intel Graphic --> Other
6) RMB on the new created key and select new dword 32 bit value and make it name
to "Workarounds" and set it's value to "31408" or "32408" or "33408" (If you
using the Pascal series you can use 33408 ) and select the value type to
7)Go to your graphic manufacturing key you using, for me I use GTX1050 then I go
to "NVIDIA Corporation" key. And select "Geforce" sub key.
8) Double click at the 1st key under the main manufacturing key and double click
at the "Workarounds" to change the value to "4000000" in hexadecimal type then
click "OK" and do it again for all folder.
9) Go to View and then select "Refresh" or press F5
10) Now your SolidWorks frame rate already unleashed performance. Thanks and I
hope this method will help you to use the SolidWorks more fun.
30 Sep 2020 Thailand.